Monday, November 5, 2012

Gynae Visit at Week 12 - Hello 2nd Tri!

Goodbye 1st trimester and Hello 2nd Tri!

We entered into the consultation room, greeted the Dr and then asked a few questions and then it was time to peek on our precious baby. I lied down on the bed and the Dr spread some cool gel on my tummy and then placed the scan. First thing I looked out for was the heartbeat. Yes! We saw a growing baby, our baby is growing really well, and the heart is flickering! Thank you Lord!

We've passed the first trimester and I'm so happy!

But I knew everything was alright because of my morning sickness. Every beginning of the week, I have bad nausea. The worst part was I couldn't vomit them out and the nausea feeling was stuck in the middle of my throat. And yesterday night, I had heartburn. In my previous pregnancy, heartburn only came in the last trimester, but this time, it came earlier... Gosh, heartburn is the worst feeling ever. I couldn't sleep well at night with the spicy throat.

Ok, back to checkup this morning. We had our blood test done as well and hopefully everything is alright and that our baby is perfect. Keep the fingers crossed that we will never get any ring from my Dr. NT scan was normal, the thickness was only 1.2. Very low risk... Phew!

In everything, thank you my God. We really can't wait to countdown for May, our baby's grand entrance!

 Our baby has grown from 2cm to 6cm! Woww... Go baby Go!
We are so proud of you! =)

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