Monday, December 17, 2012

Baby Bump @ 17 Weeks

Baby bump at 17 weeks and compared to 15 weeks, not much difference. But lying on my back for long hours starts to hurt.. and very soon, I won't be able to sleep on my back already. Big sister loves to pull up my shirt and drum roll the belly... lol. Poor lil sibling. =D

Thursday, December 13, 2012

When guilt strikes.......

I feel so uneasy now, it looks like I've not been nourishing my baby well in the womb. Compared to my previous pregnancy with the big sister, I've been eating so well and very particular in my food intake. But in this 2nd pregnancy, I've been so free and easy. I've not been eating the balance diet, fish and vege.. but most of the time, pasta, burger, simple mee soup, not even healthy chicken soup. Not only that, 17 weeks pregnant and I haven't even finish my one box of Anmum Materna.... Gosh! I'm freaking out now!

I need to buckle up and get my feet running.... I need to catch up with all the missing nutrients. Yetserday my mom reminded me, Eat healthy, baby also healthy. Sigh.... when guilt strikes, I feel so miserable! I feel so guilty for not pampering my baby with healthy food. What have I been eating lately? =(

Sorry baby, mommy going to eat so well now, from today onwards. I pray that you continue to grow healthily and strong!

Love you forever!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Gynae Visit at 15 weeks 5 days

It was time for checkup again and I was just so happy. Can't wait to see our little one and to know how much our baby has grown since the last checkup.

We received good news from last month's blood test that our baby's risk of having down syndrome is very low. Praise God! Our doctor is not concern at all and everything went so well, except for the bloating gassy tummy which made the scan not so clear. In another word, we don't get to see the gender of our baby. But, either one, girl or boy, I'm just thankful for a healthy baby. =)

We got to hear our baby's heartbeat, our baby's limbs are growing really long, and baby is active. Placenta is building up and everything inside is perfect. So wonderful .... I just can't wait for next year May when we get to see our baby face to face! It's another time of hugging, kissing, loving ...... ohhh. I already have so much love ready to pour out to this little baby! Not forgetting, the big sister too!

Our baby's heartbeat! *melts*

Baby Bump @ 15 weeks

Watching my baby bump growing day by day is such a bliss. Even though I've experienced it before, but this is a total new experience. A brand new experience with baby #2. I feel so happy to watch the bump grow and I feel Beyond blessed!

More over, whenever I ask Ashlynn to sayang the bump, she will lie her head on my bump and I will stroke her hair, touch her soft cheeks and my heart instantly melted. Knowing the fact that I will be a mom of two, words alone just couldn't express how thankful I am.

Here's the bump,  showing proudly at 15 weeks. =)


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