Friday, May 17, 2013

The Day!

True enough and what the Dr said, 2nd labor don't wait too long! I didn't wait that long and unknowingly, I'm already in active labor! Here's the story!

13 May 2013 (39 weeks 1 day)

Woke up with occasional cramps, on and off but more frequent compared to the past few days. Nothing to be alarmed of, since in my first pregnancy, I had cramps for 5 days and Ashlynn was born on the 6th day. So, life went on as usual, preparing for work. But, work from home. I hope if baby decided to come out, please come out today and not the next day because daddy is having exam on 14 May!

Cramps getting more intense, and more regular and I felt that this time it was a little different. So, I started to count and kept track on the frequency. I still logged in to my notebook, getting ready for work, and thought of applying for MC. I can't focus!

Looked like it was no longer called cramps.. but contractions! I started monitoring and every time it contracts, I curled up my body. The pain was still bearable and I decided to call Justin back as soon as he passed up his assignment. Since the pain was still bearable, I quickly get some baby things settled. I mopped the room, wiped baby room's grill, set up his bed and get the clothes washed. Well, everything was last minute cause we didn't expect it will be that soon. We thought this labor would be the same as our first labor, few days of cramps and our baby expected to come out one day before the EDD.

Justin reached home and I felt that this time labor was quite different. So, we decided to go to the hospital to check, at least we know the current progress and whether I'm dilated or not.

We reached Prince Court and went straight to the labor room. I was already shedding tears every time it contracts. So, I know this was it. It was time! I was asked many questions but I couldn't answer them well due to the pain, so all questions were answered by Justin. The nurse decided to leave me in the room while waiting for the CTG result, but she looked at my so-much-pain face and asked in my previous pregnancy, I admitted to hospital at how many cm. I said, 5cm. And she was stunned. 5cm? She decided not to leave the room and checked on me and I was already 4cm! She said I need to be admitted. Wow... this labor went pretty fast! I was just so afraid that I will be sent home and endure the painful contractions for days (just like my first labor).. Thank God, I got admitted and baby will be out today and not tomorrow. At least Justin still get to go for his test the next day.

Dr Paul came in to check on me and he broke the water bag. I didn't know he was breaking the water bag until I felt warm water flowing out... And he said I was 7cm! I kept praying for a quick labor, the pain was too much! He decided to drip some IV to make the contractions go faster and before he left the room, he said I should be giving birth in 3-4 hours time. What??!!!?? 3-4 hours more ? Nooooo.... I couldn't take the pain if it's going to be another 3-4 hours. It was toooooo painful! He asked if I need epidural before it's too late, but I said no. And he told the nurse "She can do it, she doesn't need epidural". Well, a little of proud moment for me. Lol. But I requested for gas, no injection on the butt because I think the injection does not help. So gas should be enough, but I didn't suck much on the gas as well, since my labor went pretty fast this time. Only 3-4 sucks....

I felt the urge to push and the feeling was like you want to poo. I told the midwife that I needed to go to the toilet and she stopped me. She said the feeling was because baby was ready to come out. She checked on me and I was already 9cm. 1 more to go and I'm allowed to push. She quickly prepare the bed, set up the bed, lined some sheet and the other nurses prepared the baby items at the other corner. While they were preparing, I sounded Ha Ha Ha cause I was not allowed to push. That was a painful moment as well, you felt the urge to push but you were told not to push.

Full 10cm!! The midwife guided me to push and she said by 10-11 pushes, baby will be out! Again... what???!!!??? 10-11 pushes? Why can't you encourage me by saying 2-3 pushes baby will be out? I felt so hopeless at that time, the pain was too much.. UNBEARABLE! But I still have to do it, no turning back... And I followed her instructions, PUSH! Contractions came and I PUSH, held the push for 10 seconds. This was not easy, I tell you. Push and hold it for 10 seconds. Finally, after 3-4 pushes, baby's head is almost out and Dr Paul came rushing in, prepared his attire and then ready for the delivery. He guided with the push as well and after 3-4 pushes again, finally our baby boy was out at 12:17pm, 13 May 2013. Phewwww....... what a day, joyful pain! He said my labor went so fast, no need to wait another 3-4 hours, that was good! I had first degree tear and the pain was not that bad.

I was transferred to the ward with a klcc view. Not bad huh? And baby was with me all the time, except when they need to bath him or get checked on him. First day after delivery, baby latched on almost 24 hours! Baby boy and their appetites! lol....

In everything, I thank God for a safe, smooth, fast labor and delivery day! Everything went so fast that we didn't even expect him to be out today, just right after I felt the contractions. At least I do not have to endure the few days of contractions (my first labor). And, I thank everyone who prayed for us, support us and with us throughout this entire 10 months of journey!

Thank you everyone!

*Unfortunately, Prince Court does not allow any photography/videography during the labor*
Photographs only allowed after the Dr/Nurses leave the room*

Daniel, born on 13 May 2013, 12:17pm, 51cm, 3.02kg.

Ashlynn first meet up with Didi and the moment she saw me carrying Didi, she pointed to me and said "Baby". She's so sweet!

The KLCC view from my ward 

Day 2 and we are packing to go home! =D

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Gynae Visit at 38 weeks!

It looks like the little man is still quite comfortable in the womb and most likely, he will make the same appearance like his big sister, 1 day before the EDD and that will be 18 May, most likely. We had a quick discussion with Dr Paul and if there's still no sign of labor after 19 May, we will get induced on 20 May.

Hopefully no induce... and we hope for natural.

Checkup was great, baby boy is now a whooping of 3kg! Wow... Initially I was worried that he's small, and I diligently pump in more Anmum day and night and within 2 weeks, wow wee, baby boy is 2.8-3kg! Great! It has always been my intention wanting our boy to come out at least 3kg....

Accordingly to Dr, amniotic fluid is getting lesser and that is a sign of labor coming soon as well. All we need to do is to keep track on baby's movement to ensure that the lesser fluid won't affect our baby. And on that day, we did a CTG as well, to ensure that everything is alright. Thank you God, we were sent home, knowing that all is well!

The next checkup will be on 17 May, and on that day, we will be discussing for induction on the following week, 20 May, IF baby boy is still so comfy in the womb. Hehe.

But, I do hope I will meet him next week, naturally, just like how the big sister greeted us with a "show", and followed on with the regular contractions. =)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Baby Bump @ 36 Weeks 5 days

Baby bump is growing! And I'm happy! I've been drinking a lot of milk lately, hoping that our baby boy will come out at 3kg, just like his big sister.

Checkup at 36 weeks, he was measuring 2.4kg and 600 grams more to go, to achieve the 3kg mark. =D

Baby bump growing bigger, and that means, heartburn is increasing. But, I still feel that this time round, at the end of the 3rd trimester, the heartburn is not as bad as during my first pregnancy. Perhaps my body was so used to it since 16 weeks? Well, 3 more weeks to go and we will be meeting our handsome little man! This mommy is getting impatient! Hehehe....


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