Thursday, May 9, 2013

Gynae Visit at 38 weeks!

It looks like the little man is still quite comfortable in the womb and most likely, he will make the same appearance like his big sister, 1 day before the EDD and that will be 18 May, most likely. We had a quick discussion with Dr Paul and if there's still no sign of labor after 19 May, we will get induced on 20 May.

Hopefully no induce... and we hope for natural.

Checkup was great, baby boy is now a whooping of 3kg! Wow... Initially I was worried that he's small, and I diligently pump in more Anmum day and night and within 2 weeks, wow wee, baby boy is 2.8-3kg! Great! It has always been my intention wanting our boy to come out at least 3kg....

Accordingly to Dr, amniotic fluid is getting lesser and that is a sign of labor coming soon as well. All we need to do is to keep track on baby's movement to ensure that the lesser fluid won't affect our baby. And on that day, we did a CTG as well, to ensure that everything is alright. Thank you God, we were sent home, knowing that all is well!

The next checkup will be on 17 May, and on that day, we will be discussing for induction on the following week, 20 May, IF baby boy is still so comfy in the womb. Hehe.

But, I do hope I will meet him next week, naturally, just like how the big sister greeted us with a "show", and followed on with the regular contractions. =)


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