Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Gynae Visit at 32 Weeks

Are we there yet? We are pretty excited when we finally stepped into the 3rd trimester, and now as we are in our 32 weeks .. we know that we will be meeting our little guy soon. If little guy decided to come out one day earlier than EDD, just like his big sister, we have 8 more weeks to go and his birthday will be 18 May 2013. Same birthday month as mommy!

We had our follow up checkup with Dr Paul and once again, our heart is filled with thankfulness that our baby boy is growing so well! He's now 1.6kg, ample of amniotic fluid, tummy size still very small (as if I'm only 6 months pregnant), baby is active, heartbeat is great, and yes, we managed to have a view on our handsome baby, 3D view. My heart melted when I saw his handsome features on the screen, the eyes, nose, mouth, ears.. and his tiny little fingers cover his face saying that he's shy! Haha! I really can't wait to meet this little guy soon ..............

Gynae was pleased with everything and baby is still head down (very good news), same position when we had our checkup at 28 weeks. Placenta has already moved up, not blocking the birth canal. Everything is great, and this time will be another round of natural birth! Phewww... again, I would say it a joyful pain. I had done it once, and I can do it the 2nd time! =D

Little guy, daddy + mommy + big sister are all waiting for your grand entrance into this world and we will definitely dote you more than anything else!

Measuring the size of the abdomen ..
This is it!! Can you see the handsome features of our little guy? The two eyes, nose, mouth and he's lying on his side, side view.. so cute! I really really can't wait to meet my little boy! 

8 more weeks to go!! =D


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